
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Blog posts : "stem cell banking"

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that can affect a woman’s reproductive system and physical appearance. Women of reproductive age who can be diagnosed with this condition are also more likely to develop obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.  Hence, a healthy diet, exercis...

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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a collection of neurological conditions influencing locomotion and muscle tone. It is caused by injury to the developing brain, typically before or after birth. People with cerebral palsy may experience arm and limb stiffness or paralysis, poor coordination, and equilibrium...

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Stem cells are considered master cells due to their incredible potential in generating and protecting the body cells from within. Until a few years ago, stem cell banking was considered a foreign concept. However, in recent days, stem cell preservation, routed as an innovation in the healthcare ...

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Consuming healthy foods throughout pregnancy is essential for promoting both the expectant mother's and the developing baby's health. Nurturing a life within is a journey; a balanced pregnancy diet plan is essential to meet your and your baby's nutritional requirements. A balanced pregnancy diet...

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Yoga has been proven helpful during various stages of life, including pregnancy. Throughout the pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes, such as changes in body shape and size, fluctuations in hormone levels, etc. During the first trimester, the body experiences a sudden surge of hormone...

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