
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Stem cells are considered master cells due to their incredible potential in generating and protecting the body cells from within. Until a few years ago, stem cell banking was considered a foreign concept. However, in recent days, stem cell preservation, routed as an innovation in the healthcare revolution, is gaining popularity in India. It increases the number of cord blood banks, which makes it challenging for parents to choose the right one. How can you choose between the leading stem cell banks in 2023 – Cryoviva India or Cordlife? Let's find out!

About Cryoviva

Cryoviva is the leading cord blood banking facility in India, with facilities in Thailand, Singapore, UAE, Nepal, Vietnam, the Gulf, and East Africa. We offer cord blood banking services with state-of-the-art laboratories and advanced technology to procure and preserve stem cell banking benefits. The unique feature of Cryoviva is its affordable stem cell banking price through four different plans and lifetime storage services.

We also boost in-house labor and innovative technology, enabling the highest yield of customer benefits. The state-of-the-art facilities and excellent service with an affordable cost structure make us the best choice to secure your little one’s stem cells.

About Cordlife

Cordlife is another popular stem cell bank in different countries, including Singapore, India, and the Philippines. They offer cord blood banking, placenta, and tissue banking options. The key feature of Cord Life is its Mycord program, where parents can customize their stem cell therapy plan based on unique needs. It also offers a 25-year storage facility and a money-back guarantee in case of unsuccessful stem cell treatment.

Cryoviva Vs. Cordlife

Here, we will share comprehensive information on Cryoviva vs. Cordlife to help you make a better-informed decision.
Factors Cryoviva Cordlife
Accreditation ISO9001 certification, AABB accredited MOH accredited by AABB
Units stored 1,60,000 in India, Thailand, and Singapore 40,000 units
Processing quality SEPAX 2 SEPAX 2 and Smart-Max
Public access Offers both public and private banking facilities with transparent records for public cases Public cord banking facility
Wrapping Up!

While indulging in the EDD calculator to discover your due date, you might also want to protect your little one’s health. At Cryoviva India, we employ trainee technicians and advanced technologies to store the baby’s stem cells, enabling them to have a secure, healthy future.

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