
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Blog posts : "stem cells"

Stem cells are a special kind of human cells that can evolve into many different kinds of cells. This means that they can take the form of various cells in the human body and multiply themselves. They are found in human embryos as well as developed human beings but differ in properties. This prop...

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Lymphoma refers to the type of cancer that begins from the cells of the lymphatic system and progresses outwards to other parts. The lymphatic system is basically the body's disease-fighting network. It comprises the lymph nodes, thymus gland, and bone marrow. The best thing is that around 80% o...

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Stem cells are considered master cells due to their incredible potential in generating and protecting the body cells from within. Until a few years ago, stem cell banking was considered a foreign concept. However, in recent days, stem cell preservation, routed as an innovation in the healthcare ...

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In recent years, cord blood banking has become very common and popular among parents. The benefits of cord blood, such as engraftments and in curing life-threatening diseases, have been a prime reason people actively seek stem cell preservation. Research regarding the advanced usage of cord blood...

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As a responsible parent, you just want the best for your children. While planning to give them the most secure life possible, you should explore umbilical cord storage to assure their excellent health now and in the future. Umbilical cord blood banking involves collecting and storing cord tissue...

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A person with Autism (autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has problems with communication, social interaction, behaviors, and behaviors concerning the social environment. It is a complex, heterogeneous condition that varies in intensity from mild to severe. It is a type of medicine where stem cells re...

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A physician's primary objective is to facilitate delivery while ensuring the mother's well-being, including the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord. However, have you ever wondered why physicians highly emphasise umbilical cord preservation and conservation? It is because the umbilical cor...

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