
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a collection of neurological conditions influencing locomotion and muscle tone. It is caused by injury to the developing brain, typically before or after birth. People with cerebral palsy may experience arm and limb stiffness or paralysis, poor coordination, and equilibrium issues.

There is currently no cure for CP, and treatment options are restricted. However, stem cell therapy is a promising new approach that may aid in restoring damaged brain and nervous system tissues.

Understanding Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that impacts movement and muscle tone due to prenatal brain injury. It is one of the most prevalent motor impairments in children. Cerebral palsy can range from mild to severe, affecting functions such as walking, sitting, and communicating. With no cure, treatment focuses on symptom management. As a potential disease-modifying treatment, stem cell treatment offers CP patients hope by repairing damaged tissues to help enhance motor functions.

How Can Stem Cells Help?

Stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood can differentiate into specialized cell types, including neurons and glial cells. It makes them an excellent candidate for stem cell therapy in treating cerebral palsy. Stem cells obtained from stem cell banking may be able to replace damaged or diseased brain and spinal cord cells resulting from the initial injury or disease.

The goal of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy is to transplant stem cells directly into the affected regions of the brain or spinal cord. Stem cell therapy is believed to decrease inflammation while stimulating the growth of new neurons in this case.

The aim is for transplanted stem cells to replace cells lost or damaged due to CP. This cell replacement and regeneration may enhance muscle control, strength, and coordination by repairing damaged areas of the central nervous system that influence motor function.

Stem Cell Preservation - A Hope for a Bright Future

As a disease-modifying treatment for cerebral palsy, stem cell therapy can enhance the motor functions of those affected by the condition. Cryoviva, a leading stem cell bank in India, maintains a robust cord blood banking program, collecting and retaining blood and tissue from the umbilical cord after birth. Cord blood stem cells may provide valuable future cerebral palsy treatment resources and promise to advance cerebral palsy treatment through regenerative cell therapies using cord blood banking and stem cell transplantation. Visit our website and schedule an appointment to learn about the stem cell banking cost.

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