In recent years, cord blood banking has become very common and popular among parents. The benefits of cord blood, such as engraftments and in curing life-threatening diseases, have been a prime reason people actively seek stem cell preservation. Research regarding the advanced usage of cord blood cells can be even more beneficial in the future.
Current challenges faced By Public cord blood banking
cord blood banking being a recent advancement in the medical industry, several challenges are being faced with implementing its usage in the right direction. Some of the major challenges that the cord blood banks are facing are-
- As the umbilical cord blood banks need to register themselves, it requires a lot of funds. Thus, there is a direct impact on the stem cell preservation cost, which makes people question the entire process.
- Out of 10, only one cord blood unit is being used for the transplantation process. Thus, the cost of storing increases relevantly.
- There has to be a proper procedure with respect to the timing of clamping the umbilical cord. Delayed umbilical cord clamping may cause an decrease in the cord blood volume, even when the cell dosage is relatively less. This increases the storage cost.
stem cell research is currently being implemented, there are new updates now and then. Keeping this in mind, people are actively spreading wrong information all over. It is very essential to get the right information. Thus,
check out reliable sources of information before spreading any wrong information.
What are the benefits of cord blood?
There are many advantages of
cord blood preservation, so families are actively looking forward to investing in cord blood storage. Here are some of the benefits of cord blood -
- Cord blood can help save you from around 80 life-threatening diseases such as cancer, immune diseases, etc.
- Since cord blood cells are highly multipotent, they can easily replicate to replace any type of cell. Thus, they are actively being used for transplants.
- Cord blood shares the same genetic material as the individual. Thus, the chances of rejection reduce drastically.
- It is easier to retire cord blood from the umbilical cord than the bone marrow.
- Umbilical cord blood is not exposed to immunological agents and allergens.
Umbilical cord preservation is a process where the umbilical cord tissue is collected, frozen, and stored for a long period.
With cord blood preservation, many challenges are being faced by banks and medical specialists. However, since the advantages outweigh the challenges, they are being actively used to treat patients. Investing in the storage
cost of cord blood banking today can help your child to have a second chance at life. If you are looking for a bank offering the best umbilical cord banking cost in India, check out
Cryoviva. This company offers the best services at highly affordable rates, making it a prime choice.