
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Stem cells are a special kind of human cells that can evolve into many different kinds of cells. This means that they can take the form of various cells in the human body and multiply themselves. They are found in human embryos as well as developed human beings but differ in properties. This property makes them suitable for use in medicine to treat or prevent any disease or condition. Stem cell preservation, which involves storing stem cells for potential future use, plays a crucial role in ensuring access to personalized regenerative therapies through techniques like stem cell therapy.

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Let’s dive into five benefits of stem cell therapy:
  • Heals scars and incisions
Stem cells promote the growth of healthy cells, stimulate collagen production, and enhance hair development in the place of a scar. For example, the treatment of diabetic ulcers with stem cells derived from the human umbilical cord increased collagen levels and promoted healing.
  • Treat Neurodegenerative Diseases
Stem cells can be used to form new brain neurons, cells, and synapses after brain injuries. This can help treat diseases like Alzheimer's.
  • Treat Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system attacks its cells, tissues, and organs. Stem cells transform into the cells of the damaged organs and restore the functionality of that organ, thereby treating the disease. 
  • Use stem cells to treat infertility in Women.
The treatment helps create oocytes (a cell in the ovary that undergoes cell division to create an ovum) and increase ovarian cell production, which in turn increases fertility.
  • Cure Life-Threatening Diseases like Cancers
Cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of cancers like leukemia and lymphoma.

Wrapping up,

Stem cell therapy is an innovative therapy for finding a cure for untreatable diseases that can only be controlled through medicines. However, it is essential to know that stem cell therapy is not foolproof. One common side effect of this treatment is infection. This happens because the count of white blood cells is low, which is responsible for preventing infections.

Nonetheless, by suppressing the immune system, stem cells have enough time to heal the affected area. You can utilize stem cell therapy when you store viable cord blood, which was collected during the baby's delivery from the umbilical cord. Connect with Cryoviva today and preserve your baby's gift of life.

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