
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that can affect a woman’s reproductive system and physical appearance. Women of reproductive age who can be diagnosed with this condition are also more likely to develop obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. 

Hence, a healthy diet, exercise, and restorative sleep can all help to manage PCOS symptoms and side effects. Let’s discuss what to eat and what to avoid to manage your PCOS symptoms.

PCOS Diet Plan

It is critical to manage your PCOS diet so that you do not develop obesity or diabetes. Try to balance carbohydrates and sugars with protein and fiber. This slows the release of glucose into your bloodstream, reducing the amount of insulin your body produces. A well-balanced diet can also help to regulate energy levels, alleviate PCOS symptoms, and improve overall health.

What to Eat?

You need to focus on incorporating foods with more protein and fiber to slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Here are some best suggestions that you can include in your PCOS diet:
  • Green, leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale, and lettuce
  • Fiber-rich foods include apples, berries, whole grains, and beans.
  • Fresh, unprocessed, and as close to whole as possible.
  • Lean proteins include beans, legumes, nuts, and fish
  • Non-starchy vegetables include peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, snow peas, and celery.
  • Whole grains, including whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, and barley.

What to Avoid Eat?

Limit your intake of packaged, processed foods like chips, which have a tendency to raise blood glucose levels. Here’s a list of foods that one should eliminate from their PCOS diet:
  • Foods containing refined flour, such as white bread, pizza crust, and past
  • Fried foods
  • Saturated fats, like butter and margarine
  • Sugary drinks, including sodas, teas, and sports drinks
  • Sugary snacks include candies, cookies, and cakes
  • White rice
Apart from dietary restrictions, the right exercise and sleep pattern can help deal with the stress associated with PCOS. A daily exercise program can also help increase the heart rate and reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure. Women can also choose yoga for managing PCOS because it is proven to be a stress buster and help reduce testosterone levels in the body.

Final Words

Weight loss can help relieve PCOS symptoms and restore ovulation. However, PCOS makes it difficult to lose weight. While there is no standard PCOS diet, experts recommend sticking to a low-calorie meal plan that is either low in carbs or contains carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index.

If you are pregnant while being diagnosed with PCOS, the risks associated with childbirth are higher, like gestational diabetes or premature birth. It is essential to keep your child’s health in mind. 

You can consider stem cell banking to preserve the baby’s stem cells. Cryoviva is the right choice for stem cell banking as it is one of the safest and longest-running organizations. You can get in touch with Cryoviva today to take preventive measures.

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