
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are multipotent cells that can self-renew and regenerate all types of blood and immune cells. This process, known as hematopoiesis, occurs in adult bone marrow during embryonic development and continues into maturity. HSCs are utilized to treat blood malignancies (leukemia and lymphoma) and hereditary blood abnormalities and to replace cells lost during chemotherapy. HSCs are also a promising target for gene therapy.

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are found in bone marrow and give rise to two types of stem cells: myeloid and lymphoid. Myeloid cells consist of erythrocytes, platelets, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes/macrophages, and dendritic cells. Lymphoid cells include natural killer cells, B lymphocytes, and T lymphocytes.

Control of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

The niche, or HSC microenvironment in the bone marrow, regulates the balance of differentiation and self-renewal to maintain hematopoietic homeostasis. This mechanism is heavily regulated by transcription factors and cytokines. Individual cytokines can be manipulated to encourage regeneration and recovery of hematopoiesis following chemotherapy. TGFβ, a cytokine, promotes HSC quiescence and self-renewal and affects various cell types throughout the hematopoietic process.

Benefits of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Here’s how hematopoietic stem cells are beneficial:
  • The Capacity of Regeneration:
HSCs can self-renew and differentiate into the types of all blood cells, making them important for maintaining and replenishing the blood system and mainly in response to cell loss or damage.
  • Varieties in Lineage Commitment:
HSCs can give rise to both lymph nodes, including T cells, B cells, and NK cells, and myeloids, including monocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, granulocytes lineages for supporting both immune and non-immune functions in the body.
  • Rapid Blood Cell Production:
HSCs generate approximately one trillion cells daily in the bone marrow, ensuring that apoptotic blood cells are quickly replaced to maintain homeostasis.
  • Myelosuppression Therapeutic Potential:
HSCs in peripheral blood increase during myelosuppressive conditions which are caused by treatments like chemotherapy or drugs and showing their potential to recover damaged tissues and restore blood cell production.
  • Treating Blood Disorders:
Transplantation of human bone marrow containing HSCs has been shown to aid in the recovery of white blood cells and increase haemoglobin levels in patients receiving chemotherapy or irradiation. This highlights the important role of HSCs' role in treating hematologic conditions.
  • Mechanism of Liver Regeneration:​
Hepatocyte proliferation is the primary mechanism for liver regeneration, regulated by factors like hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and interleukin. This coordinated response leads to complete liver regeneration.
  • Inflammatory Environment in Aging:​
Myeloid lineage cells persist or expand with age, creating a proinflammatory environment. Understanding and utilizing HSCs may help to slow age-related immunological decline.

Hematopoietic stem cell uses are beneficial, some of which are listed already. The major concerns treated by HSC are blood-related diseases and liver regeneration, but research has proven that the potential of HSC is considerably greater and will remain open in the future.

Bottom Line, 

Hematopoietic stem cells from cord blood stem cells are valuable sources for those in need of stem cell therapy. At Cryoviva, we offer state-of-the-art cord blood banking to help parents protect their children from health disorders that can be treated with stem cell therapy. The advanced cryogenic technology ensures that the stem cells are well-preserved and ready for use when needed. Connect with our experts today to schedule an appointment to preserve your baby’s cord blood cells. 

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