
Cryoviva Stem Cell Banking

Since ancient times, ginger has been used as a therapeutic herb. We add ginger to our meals to give them a zingy flavor. It is mostly used in tea to give a strong flavor during the monsoon and winter seasons. Ginger is one of the common ingredients in our kitchen, and the reason why it is used is because it has a multitude of benefits, especially during pregnancy. From relief from morning sickness to helping manage nausea symptoms, let's go through why ginger is considered one of the most effective pregnancy remedies.
In this pregnancy guide, let's learn about the benefits of including ginger in your pregnancy diet:

Potential Health Benefits Of Eating Ginger During Pregnancy

  • Blood Circulation
One of the reasons why people recommend consuming ginger during pregnancy is because it increases blood flow throughout the body, which helps ensure that your unborn child receives an adequate blood supply.
  • Control Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Level
Studies show that total cholesterol levels rise by approximately 25–50% during pregnancy. However, ginger is one of the effective pregnancy remedies, as it can help lower the risk of having high cholesterol as it helps control cholesterol levels. Besides, it can help control blood sugar levels.
  • Morning Sickness
If you are struggling with morning sickness during pregnancy, ginger, a soothing agent, can assist in relieving morning sickness and nausea. You can drink homemade ginger tea or ginger ale to ease stomach discomfort.
  • Cough and Cold
Ginger is a home remedy for persistent coughs, minor illnesses, and the common cold. During pregnancy, your immune system weakens, and you might become susceptible to catching the common cold. Ginger is also one of the pregnancy remedies to relieve these minor ailments. Ginger tea or ale is also effective if you are struggling with heartburn.
  • Bloating In Stomach
The digestive system slows down during pregnancy to facilitate the baby's absorption of nutrients, leading to bloating or digestive issues. To strengthen your digestive system, consume one teaspoon of ginger juice with honey before bed.
  • Swelling Management
Due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties, ginger helps to reduce swelling and inflammation during pregnancy. As a part of pregnancy tips, consuming ginger juice with honey or tea will relieve sore bones and muscles typically brought on by back pain, sciatica, or sore feet.

Secure Your Baby's Future With Cryoviva's Stem Cell Preservation!

In this pregnancy guide, we discussed how ginger during pregnancy benefits the mother. As an expectant mother, you must be excited about your baby's arrival; however, have you considered preserving your child from unknown life-threatening diseases that might risk your baby's life?

Cryoviva provides high-tech cord blood banking facilities to extract and store the umbilical cord blood cells. Visit our website and schedule an appointment to learn about the stem cell preservation process.

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